Template Type: Tech
Character Name: Zulix Missor
Species: Verpine
Sex: M Age: 19 Height: 1.9m Weight: n/a
Physical Description: Long spikey legs with dark-green skin and big black eyes, with various tools
hanging in a belt and a darkbrown multipocketed vest. He wears knee-long shorts and black gloves.
Background: Shortly after reaching the age of 18, Zulix was taken away from his family, with hundred
of other Verpine. Soon after the families of the Verpine were killed, and the captured Verpine were sat to work technically
with upgrading the Empires weaponry, droids etc. But Zulix wanted revenge. When he had worked on the Star Destroyer for ayear,
he reprogrammed a droid to attack the stromtroopers and during the confusion, he escaped.
Fortuantely they had landed on Coruscant, so he snuck upon the first freighter to leave the planet and ever since he has been
roaming the galaxy, looking for a opportunity to avenge his fellow Verpine.
Personality: Likes to tinker with everything. Reaching from droids to carbines, from blasters to
ships. He is quite happy all the time, but when he sees a droid, blaster anything he knows that he can tinker with he goes
mad, and will try, if not stopped or persuaded to do otherwise (or forced), to take it apart and rebuild it.
Objectives: To free the Verpine slaves and rid the galaxy of the Empire.
A Quote: "I think I can take this apart and rebuild it. It will get better if I do!"