Template Type: Modified Servent Droid
Character Name: Kabakh
Model: SE4 Servant Droid
Sex: n/a Age: 75 Height: 1.6m Weight: n/a
Physical Description: A dull green color with many dents and scratches. His right arm appears to
have originally belonged to a super battle droid.
Background: Kabakh started life as a standard SE4 droid. Like most droids he was given a memory
wipe on a fairly regular basis. That is until the Clone Wars when his then owner, the Casisoman senator Greleriv, had him
modified to serve both as his personal servant and as an extra bodygaurd. He had the droid modified to by replacing his right
arm with that of a super battle droid destroyed early during the wars and also had a backup personality that could not be
erased so easily by a memory wipe. However, when the senator died at the hands of one of Count Dooku's assassins, Kabakh soon
found himself up for sale.
Personality: Kabakh is normally very obnoxious personality wise, always promoting what he sees
as proper manners, proper eating habits, sticking to a schedule he has created, etc. He fails to realize his right arm contains
a retractable blaster. However, when given the code phrase "Kabakh defend" he becomes a determined bodygaurd who will kill
everything in his path to keep his master safe. Under normal circumstances he is not even aware of this second personality.
He can only return to his primary personality through the phrase "Kabahk stand down."
Objectives: To serve his master to the best of his abilities and make sure he/she eats properly.
A Quote: "Nerf medallions with a white Nubian wine? How dreadful! Everyone knows you serve nerf
medallions with a red Chandrilian wine."